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210 €
195 €
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La proposta

Along the route of Via Ferrata Sasse (Lake Idro), which runs along the eastern shore of the lake from Vesta to Baitoni, water and rock seem to kiss each other. The ferrata winds along a long traverse and stretches in the woods, where there is no road, in the frame of a beautiful panoramic balcony overlooking the lake and presents its characteristic trait in the long and suggestive rock ledge (a flat protrusion that interrupts a rock face and allows hikers to move laterally) that develops for 200 mt over the surface of water in a horizontal direction.

Following the indications and the experience of an Alpine Guide, you will be able to enjoy moments of magical adventure and adrenaline, along a via ferrata that does not present dangerous steps and is well equipped with ladders, lanyards and support points. The via ferrata Sasse offers sections of sudden downhill and ascent, crosses beautiful woods while passing also by a small Tibetan bridge. This ferrata is an excellent test also for beginners who want to try to learn the first steps and practices of hiking! The journey time of the via ferrata is about 3 hours, to which we must add the return along the path of one hour. If requested, it is possible to return through the ferry from Baitoni (the arrival point of the ferrata) to Vesta pier (the location of the meeting point where we will leave the cars).

Le opzioni

  • Deal per 3 persone
    195 € 210 € - 7 %


Orari e dettagli

  • Departure at 9.00 or 13.30.
  • Please arrive at least ten minutes before departure at the meeting point. Recommended equipment: backpack, trekking shoes and water.

Durata dell'esperienza

quattro ore

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Dealer info

Il dealer

A. Guida Alpina Giulia Venturelli - La prima volta che ho detto di voler fare la guida avevo tredici anni. Oggi nasce dal desiderio di coniugare passione e lavoro: amo la vita all’aria aperta, la montagna che vivo in tutte le sue dimensioni: arrampicata, alta montagna, sci alpinismo. Mi piace stare con le persone, trasmettendo e condividendo con loro questa passione.


The activity is suitable for children aged 8 and over. The cost includes: guide accompaniment, liability (insurance) and the supply of technical equipment for the carrying out of the activity (helmet, harness, ferrata kits).

195 €
Prezzo per: Deal per 3 persone
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